Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association Success Stories
Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association received funding for critical infrastructure and to provide the Pay it Forward: Healthy Lifestyles for Acquired Brain Injury program, to deliver prevention and awareness programs, and facilitate both 1:1. and group life skills support for the activities of daily living. (Meal planning, finances, shopping, etc.)
In response to ongoing requests for improved communication, several people with brain injuries are now actively involved in developing improved multi-modal communications strategies.
Funding provided by the BC Government through the Brain Injury Alliance has enabled members to attend nutrition workshops facilitated by a local registered dietitian and nutrition consultant.
Financial distress is a common topic in groups, so the FVBIA partnered with the Credit Counseling Society of BC to provide group education sessions called “Money in Your Pocket Series”, customized for acquired brain injury. Topics include budgeting, credit, ways to save, and organizing finances.
Providing basic Food Safe and First Aid training has enabled persons with acquired brain injuries to volunteer at our drop-in programs and fundraising activities, and has provided them with valuable skills that are beneficial for entry into the workforce.
We thank the Government of BC and the Brain Injury Alliance for making this possible.