Matt’s Story – Life Is Good (WKBIA – EAST)
My name is Matt, I have been living with my brain injury for the past three years. My parents have been the my main support through my recovery.
I was a passenger in a work truck heading to the oil patch for another round of work. I was a well tester in training. The driver went through an intersection without looking or stopping, and a truck hit us on the passenger side, totaling the truck. I was flown to hospital, suffering a broken femur, major head injury, cracked hip, broken knee and many other issue. I was transferred to Edmonton hospital, then Calgary Foothills hospital for brain injury rehabilitation, then to WCB rehab.
All in all, many lawyers were called but nothing seemed to fall into place as the driver of this truck did not have a driver license, and they could not sue WCB.
Frustration built, and with no money when I was released from hospital, I began to spiral out of control. I worked many different jobs and could not do the work, which resulted in me becoming homeless. After years of struggling I turned to drugs and alcohol. I hit rock bottom and I returned home to live with my parents.
This is when I was introduced to the West Kootenay Brain Injury Association. I met the outreach worker who supported me with making a plan for my life. I began attending AA meetings, mental health counseling, found a family doctor, attend brain injury support groups and I get support with memory strategies to help me with my activities through out the day.
My outreach worker also supported me with getting my WCB claim reopened, which never would have happened with out this funding.
I am now planning a move to Cranbrook and am on the waiting list for low income housing. My outreach worker in Golden has connected me with the outreach worker in Cranbrook. I feel confident that this move will be successful.
Knowing I have the support and guidance to help me with my recovery has made my life worth living. I can continue moving forward in a positive way. Life is Good even with brain injury. I make a good community member and I do fit in!