UNIQUE: refers to a single individual with an acquired brain injury who is listed as a user of the applicant’s services. Though many brain injury service providers consider family members as clients or users of service in their own right, in this proposal the word INDIVIDUAL or the word UNIQUE will refer ONLY to the individual living with the acquired brain injury.
PRIMARY INJURY: refers to the injury that has resulted in significant disruption in the individual’s life and that the individual believes to be their most disabling. In many instances this is the first actual acquired brain injury however in many instances it is a second injury or even a third injury that alters the individual’s life path.
CONTRACTED: a service where a third party payer is paying directly for that service to that unique individual. We anticipate that this may refer to contracts with ICBC, the health authority, WorkSafe etc. Note: one individual may receive some contracted services in addition to services that are available to all of the individuals served by the organization.
INDIVIDUAL SERVICES: any service provided to one unique individual or on behalf of one individual at any one time. This includes services to family members, employer of a unique individual; services can include case management, life skills, community support work.
GROUP SERVICES: includes any service that is intended to serve groups of three or more individuals who are living with an acquired brain injury, even if on some occasions fewer than three individuals are actually participating. Note that support groups are not listed as a discrete event; some support groups will fit into the “education event” category while others will fall into the ‘social event’ category.
Education events: where the intention of the event is educational. Some support groups will fall into this category of service.
Training events: where the intention is to teach practical life skills or employment related skills. (cooking, etc.)
Social: where the intention of the event is social and/or recreational. Events such as pot-lucks, parties, bowling events etc. Some support groups will fall into this category of service.
COMMUNITY EDUCATION: events that are intended to teach groups of community members about brain injury and its effects.
INJURY PREVENTION: events that are intended to teach groups of community members (including school children) strategies to prevent injury.
COMMUNITY-LED: for all purposes related to the Alliance this term refers to organizations that have a board of directors and management that resides in and operates out of the community where services are provided. (note that in some cases the organization may also offer services in nearby communities)