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Who we are

The Brain Injury Alliance is composed of non-profit brain injury organizations in British Columbia.

The Alliance uses its collective philosophy, experience and skills to bring about positive change in British Columbia, and to improve the lives for people living with acquired brain injury in this province. The Alliance also advocates for adequate and sustainable funding for the brain injury prevention, education, and individual supports provided by community non-profit brain injury services.

Our Vision:
That all persons with a brain injury in British Columbia thrive in their community.

Our Mission:
To advocate for the help, healing and lifelong growth and rehabilitation of British Columbians affected by an injury to the brain.

Our Values and Principles: P.A.C.T.


“Brain injury is forever. In order to ensure cost-effective and efficacious, evidence-based and outcome-driven services, and considering the complex needs of persons with brain injury, a variety of sources for services and supports must exist at the local level. This will require integrated planning, and establishing and sustaining broader partnerships with other partners in the communities.”
– Government of British Columbia, 2002

When the constitution was formed in 2014, the purpose was stated as follows:

  1. To promote services to people with an acquired brain injury through non-profit organizations province wide.
  2. To support non-profit brain injury organizations by seeking provincial funding from a variety of sources.
  3. To help sustain community led brain injury organizations by establishing a funding base for their activities;
  4. To support other initiatives that benefit brain injury organizations by providing funding that can be used for operational funds.
  5. To receive gifts, bequests, and funds, and to administer and distribute funds for the purposes of the Alliance; and
  6. To do all such other things as are incidental and ancillary to the attainment of the foregoing purposes and the exercise of the powers of the Alliance.

On May 13th, 2015, the Government of British Columbia provided the Alliance with three million dollars to distribute to charitable community non-profit brain injury associations and groups over three years. The funding was specifically to supplement, not replace, existing funding from government and health authorities. 

The socially innovative funding provided by Government is temporarily providing much needed financial security for organizations desperately short of funds, and facilitates the increase of highly trained brain injury services available throughout BC.

On May 30th, 2015, Government announced a further one million dollars of brain injury funding, and entrusted it to the Brain Injury Alliance in order to establish an memorial educational fund in honour of Dr. Gur Singh, a beloved BC neurosurgeon and supporter of post acute care community services for brain injury. This money was invested by the Alliance to provide annual education and job readiness grants, which are available to both organizations and individuals.

Because of the important work that needs to be done to develop and maintain quality community brain injury services in British Columbia, the Brain Injury Alliance motto is:

Brain Injury; A Personal Challenge, A Community Response

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