BrainTrust Canada Success Stories
BrainTrust Canada received funding to cover critical expenses, to increase injury awareness and prevention programs, and to expand client services.
Using Alliance funding, and working closely with the City of Kelowna and the RCMP, BrainTrust was able to establish ‘bike squads’ to recognize and reward youth for their helmet compliance, by issuing ‘positive tickets’ (coupon vouchers for ice cream cones, etc.). In addition, bike helmets were provided to youth who could not afford one.
Many persons with a brain injury in Vernon live far below the poverty line. Alliance funding helped BrainTrust to create a much needed community kitchen program specifically for people with ABI. And, it has been very successful. In addition to healthy homemade food each week, participants develop friendships, and provide each other with important social supports.
Jeff is a 47 year old man who sustained a brain injury when he lost control of his truck returning home from hunting. After his injury, he became very socially isolated, and was taken advantage of by people in his personal life. Through funding by the Alliance, we were able to provide Jeff with the staff assistance needed to attend support groups. The results have been nothing less than transformative for Jeff, changing his isolation to integration, increasing safety at home, improving his health and well being, and assisting him to experience social success in the community.