BrainTrust – Keeping Clients Safe During COVID-19
Amanda McFarlane has worked at BrainTrust since 2011. She is passionate about advocating for people with acquired brain injury and is fascinated by neuroscience and brain function. Over the years Amanda has developed a strong understanding of the needs of persons with acquired brain injury and helps her clients maximize their potential and thrive. Amanda supports clients to identify goals and achieve them which gives clients a great sense of accomplishment and self-worth. Amanda says “Our clients are very inspiring; they teach us how to be resilient and overcome adversity. They help me put things into perspective which is very rewarding. I believe that I learn just as much from clients as they learn from me.”
When COVID-19 occurred, Amanda knew that her clients would need continued supports. She ensured her client’s basic needs were met and that they received information and support to cope with the challenging times. She diligently continues to ensure BrainTrust clients receive the services they need to thrive.

When the BrainTrust office closed to the public in mid-March, Amanda quickly adapted and implemented practices that kept clients safe and ensured their needs were met. Amanda understands her client’s perspectives and helps them work through issues they may be facing. She has a calming effect on others which helps her reassure clients that they can get through difficult times. This has been especially important during COVID-19 because many of our clients have experienced increased stress and mental health issues.
As the Client Services Manager at BrainTrust, Amanda is a fierce advocate for clients. She also mentors and guides new staff members and provides support to them when needed. She is a very kind individual who goes above and beyond to help others in their time of need. Amanda is someone to look to for leadership and guidance, especially during the difficult times resulting from COVID-19.