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Community Program Grants

The Brain Injury Alliance provides community program grants to supplement the existing funding from health authorities and governments to member agencies.

Members must insure their membership is kept current, and that they remain in good standing.

Who can apply:

  • Community non-profit brain injury associations that provide comprehensive services to people with acquired brain injuries in British Columbia.
  • Must be a Canadian registered charitable organization according to the federal income tax act, and;
  • Must be a registered British Columbia non-profit society in good standing, and;
  • Must be a Brain Injury Alliance member.
Community Program grant application


Eligible Programs

  1. One-on-One client services
  2. Group services for clients
  3. Community Education
  4. Brain Injury Prevention

Eligible Expenses

  1.  Direct program costs (for eligible programs)
  2.  Wages
  3.  Staff development
  4.  Facility costs (10% maximum of budget)
  5. Administration costs (10% maximum of budget)

Ineligible for Funding 

  • Non-Brain Injury Alliance members
  • Religious and political purposes
  • Out of province travel
  • Capital expenses (except for those specifically required for eligible programs)
  • Special events
  • Subsidizing fee-for-service programs
  • Fundraising costs
  • Debt reduction costs
  • Research
  • Assessments
Community Program grant application

Grant Distribution:

Alliance grants can not be used to replace or supplement third party funded programs, including programs funded by health authorities.

The Alliance funding has increased the stability of community brain injury organizations and supports the growth of programs and services by leveraging of other grants, and fundraising dollars. Data collected from brain injury organizations illustrate the importance of the Brain Injury Fund to the provision of services to individuals with acquired brain injuries throughout BC.

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