Hidden Talent In The Kitchen (PRBIS)
A client who works for the Powell River Brain Injury Society Nutrition, Cooking and Gardening Program discovered hidden talent in the kitchen. We talked about value added product ideas, and having a market garden, we were thinking of selling the specialized compost and soil blend we created, and some of the produce.
We had such an abundance of peppers, that she tried her hand at creating her own hot pepper sauces. They are so delicious, and so popular, that we are now getting ready to take her sauces to the next stage. We need to create a permanent recipe, make samples of the sauces, and send them away for quality testing.
The next phase will include the creation of a name and logo to brand the sauces, and a marketing strategy. We are all quite confident that this will be a great revenue generator, not only creating employment for the client, but may grow to the point of hiring others to help. This next phase will hopefully happen this fall, as more funds are required, and the peppers need to grow again this summer. This could potentially grow into a Social Enterprise for the Society.
One suggestion for the name so far is “Brainiacs Hot and Saucy”.