Benefits of Brain Injury Alliance Membership
- Brain Injury Alliance Member Organizations may apply for funding through the Community Program Grants.
(Please note: to be eligible to apply for Community Program Grants, you must have your Brain Injury Alliance membership application approved by May 31) - Members will be informed what their counterparts in other parts of the province are doing with their grants; polled for opinions on a variety of topics, and will receive an annual report and financial statements.
- Each member society has one vote at a General Meeting of the society.
- Each member agency is eligible to nominate one individual to stand for election to the board of directors of the Alliance.
Membership application
Membership application deadline: March 31
Who Can Apply
Charitable community non-profit brain injury associations in British Columbia whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive services to people with acquired brain injuries.
Criteria For Brain Injury Alliance Membership:
- Must be a registered non-profit society in the province of British Columbia.
- Must be a registered Canadian charity.
- The board of directors and head office of the organization must be in the Province of British Columbia.
- The primary purpose of the society, as stated in the organization’s constitution, must be the provision of direct services to individuals living with an acquired brain injury.
- Services provided by the society must be available to any person whose primary disability is acquired brain injury (some reasonable restrictions based on safety or competency are accepted).
- Services must not be provided soley contingent on ability to pay, or upon the agreement of a third party to pay. Societies providing fee-for-services must provide evidence that they meet this criteria.
7. Services must focus on the choices and needs of the individual living with the brain injury; and the individual must be considered the primary client, especially when services are funded by a third party.
8. Alliance membership evaluation includes the extent to which a society provides the following services:
- One to one services (comprehensive case management, life skills, community access, outreach, etc.)
- Services to groups of individuals with brain injury (brain injury education, facilitated support groups, drop-in supports, social events, etc.)
- Services for family members and associates of persons with a brain injury
- Community education programs and/or consultation services
- Injury prevention programs and event services
9. Services must be available on a frequent, regular, and as-needed basis.
Membership application
Membership application deadline: March 31
Membership Procedure
Brain Injury Alliance Membership Application Procedure:
- Organizations must review the criteria for eligibility in detail prior to submitting their application for membership in the Alliance.
- Applications for membership, or for renewal of membership, must be submitted annually prior to midnight of March 31st.
- Applications must be submitted using the appropriate form below. Necessary supporting documents must be provided at the time of application.
- Applicants will be advised when a decision has been reached by the board.
- Membership must renewed annually.
Membership in the Alliance terminates when an agency no longer has a written agreement with the Alliance.
Brain Injury Alliance members must recognize the Provincial Government and the Brain Injury Alliance on their website.