Garfield’s Story – Putting The Pieces of My Life Together (NBIA)
In November of 2016, I received another traumatic brain injury while doing high risk support and outreach when I ended up being assaulted by two individuals, putting me in the hospital. I did not know what day or year it was or even my own name. I carried on with untreated Post Concussion Syndrome for over a year (May 2018), before I was put in touch with a Case Manager (CM) from NBIA in Terrace.
I was scheduled for a tribunal to defend my PWD (Persons with Disability Pension) application that had been denied. CM coordinated a team of community professionals to advise, assist and support me in reapplying for PWD. The success of that application was the beginning of hope and rebuilding of an independent life for me.
My NBIA Case Manager has stuck with me through many challenges, working by my side while I put the pieces of my life together. She has come with me to appointments, written letters, helped me figure out applications and connected me with needed services when my life was spinning out of control. For example, when I was forced out of a dangerous living situation, NBIA did crisis intervention to get me off the street during the extreme winter weather, and quickly helped me secure an affordable place to rent that welcomes my service dog. NBIA helped me to access emergency funding to meet my immediate needs for a bed, food, clothes, storage, and legal services.
NBIA has given me tools for self help, and support for my effects I still currently suffer with, and coping skills I need while I fight to find myself and gain control of my life again. My CM encourages me to seek medical help and to engage in the support group sessions to support others and get ideas and encouragement from them. The group helps me to face my challenges, inspiring hope that one day I may have some form of manageable independent life.
The work and knowledge NBIA brings to not just myself but to the community and its medical practices, is a very important need that is missing in our communities and medical fields, with so many individuals suffering undiagnosed and untreated ABI’s. NBIA, along with the other people my CM put in place, are offering ongoing help that has saved my hope in myself for having a healthier, and more fulfilling life living with brain injury.